ConFab Committee
The ConFab Committee increases attendance at monthly producer ConFabs by making them so fun and fabulously well-planned that they are not-to-be-missed! ConFabs make space for producers to build relationships/trust/community/ collaborations, experience support and renewed energy, develop professionally, and share information and resources with each other and with ATX Theatre — for optimized communal success.
MEMBERS SO FAR: Ann Ciccolella, Sharron Anderson / intent to ask Simone Alexander and Jeremy Rashad Brown
Key Results ( all of these have a status of either "needs attention" or "not started."
Attendance: ConFabbers enact new/creative ways to increase ConFab attendance! Goal: 30/meeting
Tone: ConFabs are infused w/ peppy yet authentic, friendly goodness. They’re crisp/smooth/well-planned.
Content: 1. Welcome, 2. Carrot (door prize/swag/snack or something else to help draw people), 3. sectional updates led by various committee members to share organizational progress; 4. Magnetic guest speaker(s) OR featured discussion topic with facilitator; 5. Wishlist/audition listing gathering; 6. CoverageCorner! Brainstorming about what editors/pubs want and how we can collaborate to pitch aggregate/thematic/compelling stories with our work; 7. Company announcements
Location/tech: ConFab locations must be free of charge, should be planned for the year in advance, and should
include theatres (so we get to know each other’s spaces/share burden of hosting). Each ConFab has a Zoom option
(w/ links/tech needs pre-planned/coordinated w/ guest). Meetings can be Zoom-only when necessary. -
Mixer same day: ConFabbers coordinate with M&M about locations so Mixer is in the same space
or nearby after each meeting. Drinks/refreshments are coordinated with M&M to provide maximum
draw for both events. -
Communicate w/ affiliates for wishlists & audition listings; collaborate w/ Communications to promote.